Bilbo Hoggins


Bilbo Hoggins


Bilbo Hoggins ended up at the Dallas Animal Shelter, when one of the rescue volunteers reached out to another volunteer.

Since the volunteer has previous experience with hedgies, she immediately went and bailed Bilbo out.

Bilbo was very afraid, and curled up, popped, and hissed for quite a while. He was found in a neighborhood, likely dumped. He only has one working eye; the other eye is very underdeveloped, pink, and cannot see. Bilbo’s vet checked him over and confirmed that he was likely born this way, and that he was around 3 months old.

Since being adopted, he loves his new mommy (although his grandmother keeps threatening to steal him away), and he has started becoming more personable. He even likes head pets now!

Yay for Bilbo!


Samwise Pancake

